If you're not an avid zoo goer but have grandchildren...let me suggest that you put this on your summer to do list! We use to go regularly when the kids were small and quite honestly, I kinda forgot about the zoo until the grand-babies came along.
The Nashville Zoo at Grassmere has a wonderful membership program and it's such a reasonable price! As for the your own monkeys....load those grands up in the car and let them run off all that energy you wish you had while enjoying being outdoors and learning a little along the way!! I can't stand the thought of the kids being video gamer junkies and staying indoors all summer!!
We loaded up the cars and had a mothers day with Stephanie's sister-in-law, Stacy, her son Jaxon and her newborn Sydney. Nikki, Stephanie's close friend and little Miss Bella were meeting up with us also. Kiddy songs filled the radio for the ride as we were thrilled to be going back until we pulled into the turn lane and saw the endless convoy of school buses! Uh-oh...we totally forgot about it being the last week of school! I've never seen so many school buses and children at one place. WOW! The up side was once we entered (having passes you don't have to stand in line!) the grounds are so spread out that you really don't notice all those visiting. On a couple of occasions I recall asking, "Where are all those kids?" By 1pm the zoo was almost vacant and it felt like we had it to ourselves.
Grassmere, as it's often referred to instead of the Nashville Zoo has got a good thing going on here. The animals of course were great fun to watch and show the grandbabies but they have so many other activities and after hour events for everyone! This fall I want to camp with the critters along with the girls!! ooohhhh that just sounds fun and imagine all the unique animal noises and calls that one would hear during the evening!
As I looked at these pictures and still so many more to load, I am reminded how we are all Gods creatures. We each have our own markings, our own voices and thankfully we all come in different sizes and shapes! I know I sound like a broken record saying over and over what a creative artist our God is...but it's true! I get lost in thought when I think of what a ginormous task He had in creating the Heavens and the Earths...much less the task of creating mankind and then giving each of us our identity! How marvelous...How wonderful..and my soul shall ever sing!! What an amazing God we serve!!
As you go about your day today remember to THANK GOD for your individuality...your uniqueness and your ability to serve HIM!
God Bless you!
As you go about your day today remember to THANK GOD for your individuality...your uniqueness and your ability to serve HIM!
God Bless you!