Sunday, December 18, 2011

Let US sing!!

God is so good!
God is so good!
God is so good, 
He's so good to me!

He answers prayers!
He answers prayers!
He answers prayers
He's so good to me!

I love Him so!
I love Him so!
I love Him so
He is so good to me!!

This song has been in my heart all day today.  When I sing it I am taken back to my very young days of  being ages 8 /9.  Two Rivers Baptist Church always had something going on for us kids!  Always!!  We would go on weekend church retreats just an hour or two away from home and you'd think we were going cross-country!  The entire time we were in the bus we'd sing and sing and sing some more!  The retreats were usually brought to a close with an open invitation and lots of praise worship.  How I love my praise worship!  They could take an energetic group of kids and by "lights out" they would have us deep in thought about our own personal relationship with Jesus.

It's during these years that I learned to pray as a child and to look at my soul and reflect on my choices I made.  As I've grown older I've come to cherish the "praise and invitation" time for such deeper reflection and also found it to be a cleansing time...a time to really tell all that's on heart.

Tonight as I celebrated Christmas  with my Dad, my sister, my kids and my grandchildren I found myself praising privately inside.  Rejoicing in my family.  Reflecting on how good, how very, very good God has been to me!!  Also how very good God has been to my family.  All of them.
So in closing this day
look back and realize what you DO have...not what you want or hope to get.  Relish in what's here, what's now and what you hold dear.
sweetest of dreams...


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